A global approach to estimate continuous-time LPV models for wastewater treatment via nitrification
Fatima Zahra Boutourda  1, 2@  , Régis Ouvrard  1  , Thierry Poinot  1  , Driss Mehdi  1  , Fouad Mesquine  2  , Vincent Jauzein  3  , Eloise De Tredern  3  
1 : Laboratoire d'Informatique et d'Automatique pour les Systèmes
Université de Poitiers = University of Poitiers
2 : Département de physique [FSSM]
3 : SIAAP - Direction du Développement et de la Prospective

In wastewater treatment, understanding and modeling the nitrification process is crucial for effective
control implementation. However, the complexity of this process makes it challenging to create
simplified models. This study introduces an innovative method for estimating linear parameter varying
(LPV) models in the context of biological nitrification processes. The research focuses on
the development of a continuous-time LPV model that replicates the behavior observed in the nitrification system.
The methodology adopts the reinitialized partial moment approach within a global identification framework. The
resultant LPV model is structured to capture the dynamics of the biological nitrification process,
considering various factors like flow rates, feed concentrations and environmental regulations.
Application of this approach to measured data from a wastewater treatment plant, demonstrates
its effectiveness in accurately estimating the LPV model parameters. The results not only offer
valuable insights into the dynamics and the nonlinear behaviour of the nitrification process
but also contribute to the design and optimization of wastewater treatment plants, particularly
those employing submerged aerated nitrifying biofilters.
Keywords: Biofiltration, global approach estimation, LPV models, nitrification, output-error
algorithm, reinitialized partial moment, wastewater treatment

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