Predictor-Based Prescribed-Time Output Feedback for a Parabolic PDE
Salim Zekraoui  1@  , Nicolás Espitia  2  , Wilfrid Perruquetti  3  , Miroslav Krstic  4  
1 : Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Génie des Procédés et de Génie Pharmaceutique (LAGEPP)
Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I - UCBL (FRANCE)
2 : Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille - UMR 9189
Université de Lille : UMR9189, Centrale Lille : UMR9189, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR9189, Centrale Lille, Université de Lille, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
3 : Ecole centrale de Lille
Ecole Centrale de Lille
4 : University of California

In this paper, we consider a 1D reaction-diffusion system with boundary input delay and propose a general method for studying the problem of prescribed-time output boundary stabilization. We first reformulate the system as a PDE-PDE cascade system (i.e., a cascade of a linear transport partial differential equation (PDE) with a linear reaction-diffusion PDE), where the transport equation represents the effect of the input delay. We then apply a time-varying infinite-dimensional backstepping transformation to convert the cascade system and the proposed observer system into two prescribed-time stable (PTS) target systems. The stability analysis is conducted on the target systems, and the desired stability property is transferred back to the closed-loop system and the error system using the inverse transformation. 

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